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DegreeWorks是一个基于网络的工具,可以帮助学生和顾问监控学生完成学位的进度. 学位审核结合了和记棋牌娱乐的学位要求和你已经完成的课程,一个易于阅读的工作表,帮助你看到你已经完成的课程是如何计入学位要求的, 你还需要完成哪些课程和要求.


2006-本学期目录上的本科生可以使用学位审核来查看满足学位要求的要求. 学位审计是目录特定的, 因此,课程的更改可能需要指导老师提交一份例外表格,说明任何必要的替换或更改. 

我认为我的审计是错误的. 我该怎么办??

请向你的导师寻求帮助! While we have done everything we could to make sure that your worksheet is correct, it would have been impossible for us to predict every unique situation or problem. We want to work with you to correct any issues as soon as possible. The first step is to clarify what information you believe is wrong.  Additional questions may be directed to the 注册商 or Graduate Office.


My major is wrong 和/or my concentration doesn't appear on my worksheet.

本科生需要在注册办公室填写一份表格来更新你的主修/辅修/主修信息. 如果您正在更换顾问或添加新的顾问, 这份表格需要新导师的签名. Once the change is made, it should appear on your 学位审核 worksheet the next day. During pre-registration periods, changes may not be reflected immediately.

如果你是研究生, please contact the graduate office to determine your new program 和 advisor. You will then complete a new approved program form to complete this change.


查看出现在分隔工作表各部分的每个栏上的目录术语. 这是系统上当前标识的目录,是您用来完成需求的目录. 如果您实际使用较旧或较新的需求, 你需要在注册办公室或研究生办公室提交一份表格来更新你的目录信息. Once the changes are entered, the correct information will appear on your worksheet.


If you are concerned about how a transfer course was equated contact the Admissions Office. Graduate students should contact their advisor or the Graduate Office.

My BT degree audit does not give advice on what requirements are needed.

You must meet with your advisor to choose the specific requirements you will take. These requirements may not be reflected on the audit without an exception form.

My advisor or 系主任 gave me permission to substitute a course, 但我的审计没有显示出来.

和你的指导老师谈谈,看看是否已经发送了一个异常. 导师必须通过向注册主任/研究生办公室提交一份例外表格来启动例外/替代.


我的毕业申请已经提交了, but 学位审核 says that I haven’t completed all my requirements. 这是否意味着我不能毕业了?

首先,不要惊慌. 如果你已经完成了指导老师毕业检查(研究生批准课程表)上的所有要求, 如果你已经完成了和记棋牌娱乐告诉你的任何需要完成的要求, 你应该还能顺利毕业. 联系 your advisor to discuss what is needed to update your worksheet.


一学期至少四次. 您应该经常查看以下信息:

  • 之前 you meet with your academic advisor to discuss registration for an upcoming semester.
  • 你注册是为了确保你所选的课程符合你的要求.
  • 你每学期的成绩都会被公布(请先通过CatPAWS查看你的成绩,因为你会在那里收到你的学术排名通知).
  • 任何时候 你改变了你的日程安排.


你的学位审核是一个为你提供与你的学位进展相关的学术信息的工具. It displays courses required 和 completed in your degree program. 你的成绩单是你的正式大学记录,提供了按时间顺序完成的课程列表和其他学术信息. Your official transcript must be requested from the University 注册商.

How does 学位审核 decide where to place courses that I’ve completed?

学位审核从整体上看你的项目,并使用“最适合”的方案来安排每门课程. 已经制定了优先次序,以便在某些领域使用课程,然后再在其他领域使用课程. 当多种可能性存在时, 和记棋牌娱乐与系主任合作,确定大多数学生将如何使用某门课程. 这个过程并不总是完美的, 尤其是当多种可能性并存的时候, so if you have a course that does not appear in the area in which you wanted to use it, please contact your advisor or the 注册商's Office/Graduate Office for assistance.

学位审核 placed one of my undergraduate courses in two different places. 这样可以吗??

在大多数情况下,是的. 学位审核的目的是承认一些课程可以满足不止一个要求. 一定要仔细阅读你的专业要求 大学目录 以确保这个重复的位置是合适的. 如果你有任何问题,请联系你的指导老师.

我该怎么办? if 学位审核 placed an undergraduate course in one section, 我想把它用在另一个地方?

Please contact your advisor to see if the course is approved for the other area. An Exception form will need to be sent to the 注册商's Office to initiate the change.


得了B的学生.S.E.d. 或B.S. degree are required to earn 40 hours of upper division credit (courses numbered 300 和 above).  得了B的学生.A. 学位要求获得32小时的高级学分. 高级课程是指分数在300或以上的课程. 例如:AGRI 03498,其中03表示系,498表示高年级课程号. A line item on the degree audit show the number of upper division courses you have completed, 和 the number you have left to complete to meet the requirement. 


Incomplete grades are counted as in progress coursework on the degree audit.

我在来和记棋牌娱乐之前获得了副学士学位. 这在我的工作表上是如何显示的?

在大多数情况下, 你的课程在录取过程中被编码,所以它们会被放在你工作表上的正确位置. If your worksheet does not look like you expected it to, please contact the 注册商's Office.

Are there requirements for graduation that 学位审核 doesn’t check?

几. 虽然学位审核的目的是检查几乎所有你必须完成的工作,以获得学位, there may be additional requirements for your major that must be completed (for example, 投资组合, 实践考试, 口试, 等.). 你应该使用学位审核  结合 与大学目录和你的专业部门提供的任何信息,以确保你保持在毕业的轨道上. If you have questions about any additional requirements for your major, 在你下次咨询的时候和你的顾问谈谈.

工作表上说我的数学技能课程被排除在外. 这是什么意思??

If you have taken lower division Math courses (courses numbered below 100), 在工作表的“未计算”部分将出现一行,说明这些课程已被排除在外. 和记棋牌娱乐不允许将这些课程计入毕业所需的总学时. 和记棋牌娱乐把这些课程放在这一部分是为了让你知道这些课程不能用于获得本科学位所需的124或120学时. The courses do count toward the 12 hours needed for fulltime enrollment.

我请求免除/代替一门课. 该课程如何在学位审核中出现?

Your petition will be programmed after it is approved by your advisor, 系主任, 和, 如果有必要的话, 副教务长. 你修完的课程将符合要求, 和, 在大多数情况下, an additional line will appear under it that explains why the exception was entered. 如果你有关于转学课程的申请, 和记棋牌娱乐经常会对课程等效性进行调整,以确保它出现在您审核时的正确位置. 在这些情况下, there may not be an explanation related to the change on your worksheet, 但是球场会被移到正确的位置.

我想换专业. 如果我做了这个更改,我怎样才能知道需要做什么?

You can use the "what-if" tab to do an audit using criteria you select. 请注意, 虽然, 如果审计是非官方的,也不能保证你能选择你所选择的专业. 如果你决定要换专业, 你应该访问你想要的专业的部门办公室,了解重大变更程序的信息. An advisor in the department where the major or minor resides is required.


一些课程,如非学位预专业课程,是专门为每个学生量身定制的,因此不存在标准的审核. 顾问提供建议,指导课程选择.

My major requires me to complete a minor or concentration, but it didn’t appear on the audit. 什么是错的?

要么你还没宣布你的辅修专业或者主修专业, 或者你在没有添加辅修或浓度的情况下进行“假设”. If you need to declare your concentration, contact your department office for assistance.

我有两个学位(学士和学士,或者学士和学士学位等). 工作表上只显示一个. 我如何查看我的其他学习项目的要求?

Look at the degree information next to your name at the top of the screen. 您会注意到,度数框有一个下拉箭头. 使用此选项选择第二个程序.

I am currently repeating a course, 和 I don’t underst和 how it appears on the degree audit. 你能给我解释一下吗?

If you are repeating a course, your last attempt counts toward degree requirements. 这将是出现在工作表上的尝试. 在你的第二次尝试后评分, 最高分数将用于满足您的要求,最低分数将放在工作表底部的“不足”类别中. 这方面的课程不计入总学时, 它们不能被用来满足需求.

Some courses on my degree audit are hyperlinked to an on line catalog, 和 some are not. How can I see the descriptions for all the courses in my program?

大多数类都应该是超链接的. 请注意,有一个时间问题会影响未来条款信息的准确性. 请查看CatPAWS的正确调度信息.

我在工作表上的几个地方看到了@符号. 这是什么意思??

这是学位审核中的一个不确定因素. 如果@符号后面有课程编号(i.e., @ 300:599), it means that you can take a 300-500 level course from any subject area. 如果它出现在主语前缀(i.e., PSYC @),这意味着你可以选修任何心理学课程.


在学位审核中进行更改后,“Process New”按钮将刷新学生记录.



我已经完成了西北核心课程的所有要求, but the audit does not have the box checked 和 indicates that I still need additional hours. 我该怎么办??






毕业生的What-If选项显示我的3.00 GPA has been met but I haven’t completed any graduate coursework?

what-If选项会从你的本科记录中删除你的GPA.  当你被研究生课程录取时,你的学位审核只会从你的研究生课程中提取你的GPA.


If you have questions or suggestions, please contact 注册商's Office/Graduate Office.


你的第一个联系人应该是你的学术顾问. If you still have questions after that meeting, contact the 注册商's Office/Graduate Office.

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